
"I only got hired because they couldn't find anybody else" 

"I'm no good at this. Tomorrow morning, everyone is going to find out" 

"This bot is not conversational at all" 

"I don't have any official training, and only a few months of experience" 

"I'm a big fraud" 

Sounds familiar? You're not alone! 

Feelings of inaccuracy, doubting your own skills, fear of being exposed: imposter syndrome is something that affects a lot of us in this industry. And from my own experience, I know it's something that's impossible to get rid of. But you can learn to live with it. To explore your inner critic, and embrace some of its more positive sides.  

About this course

In this course, I share some of my own ways of living with my inner imposter. Because yes, I've got one of those inner critics as a fairly permanent resident in my own head.

It's nothing big or complicated. Just 5 practical steps that help you make your inner imposter a bit more agreeable, and a bit less scared. 

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