What is imposter syndrome
What's imposter syndrome?
Briefly summarized, when you suffer from imposter syndrome, you believe you're not as competent as others believe you to be. You:
- Believe that you're inadequate, not just at what you do, but more deeper, in who you are. You believe yourself to be somehow flawed.
- Dismiss your achievements, ascribing them to luck, rather than your own competence. You don't really know how competent and talented you really are, because your mind is constantly clouded by this belief that you're somehow a fraud. And that people will discover this any moment.
- Are very critical of yourself, and have a permanent inner voice judging everything you do. At the same time, you probably have a distorted perception of the people around you, believing them to be without flaws or faults.
I created this course, because I have a bit of a history with imposter syndrome myself.
Huh, you? But you're like super confident!
Yes, I know I look like that to most of you. But believe me, just before I start speaking at a conference, or start giving a workshop, I literally get sick to the stomach, and ask myself 'Why on earth do I keep saying yes to this kind of stuff?'
And you know, when I share my insecurity, people always try to reassure me by asking: 'Relax Maaike, what can possibly go wrong?' Well, if you're anything like me, you know what happens next, right? Right...my head starts listing all the things that can go wrong! In nice non-linear flows with endless alternatives!
So, is imposter syndrome a real syndrome? Is there something wrong with me?
Well, according to Psychom.net, around 70% of the population experiences at least one episode of imposter syndrome during their lifetime. So you're definitely not alone.
Even though it can really get in the way of a happy and stress-free life, imposter syndrome is not recognised as an official disorder. People who suffer from imposter syndrome tend to be a bit more anxious, a bit more perfectionistic, but in general manage to live full and happy lives.
If you feel that your imposter is getting in the way of a happy and healthy life, please reach out to your GP or a health professional.